I must apologize for my long absence this summer from my blog. I was given the wrong dosage of medicine from the local pharmacy for my thyroid, and I was basically suffering from an extreme case of hypothyroidism all summer long. I am happy to report, though, that the proper dosage has finally kicked my levels back up to normal. I should be posting on a more regular basis and getting back to posting on Jeremiah Crews' family.
This week, I am going to share a post from cousin Mary LaRue. She went to Descendant Weekend at Ft. Boonesborough, Kentucky this past summer. Many of you who follow this blog are descendants of David Crews and Annie Magee. I would like to thank Mary for sharing her trip and pics with us, and I need to apologize for being so long in getting her words put up here.
Recently, I had the chance to travel to the Richmond, Kentucky area in Madison County, Kentucky, home to David Crews and Annie (nee McGee) Crews, my Maternal 6th Great Grandparents. Their home still stands, although it is completely enveloped by the present-day house shown here.

Homeland / Samuel Bennett Farm / David Crews' House
No part of their original house can be seen from the outside, but the land they lived on is still green and shady with large trees, the way I imagine it must have been when they lived there. Their daughter Mary, and her husband Abraham Newland, my 5th Great Grandparents, are buried just a few miles down the road from David and Annie’s home site, on land David granted to them.David, and presumably Annie, were originally buried at the home site, but David’s granddaughter, China, had David moved into the Richmond Cemetery in the 1930s. A photograph of his grave is below, showing the old slab China had made, and the beautiful new marker put up by some of David’s descendants a few years ago. If you go to visit the grave, it is near the front entrance, close to the office. As far as I know, Annie was left behind when David was moved, so she is still a part of their home site, although the location of her grave is unknown to us now.
